Teacher Training Prospectus
Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training
Evolution for everyone

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death; the greatest tragedy takes place when our talents and capabilities are underutilised and allowed to rust while we are living”

– Introduction –
Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training is a self-standing yoga school committed to upholding elevated standards and fostering a profound connection between students and their authentic selves, as well as the natural world that envelops us.
Since 2010, we have been guiding individuals on their yoga path through our teacher training programs. This course is designed for those aspiring to teach yoga or delve deeper into their personal yoga journey. Regardless of your goal, this experience promises a year of significant personal evolution.

Explore our various locations and dates across the UK and Europe by visiting https://seasonalyoga.net for more details.
Join us for a transformative journey. Our courses aim to make this year one of positive change for all attendees. Combining the wisdom of Yoga and Traditional Chinese Energy Work, our carefully crafted program offers a secure and nurturing space for individuals to explore their personal practice, lifestyle, mindset, energy, life balance, and overall wellness.
Emphasizing group connection, we foster a supportive environment where participants can flourish. Our commitment includes regular group chats, individual catch-ups, assigned buddies for each module, classes, and monthly modules to guide your development every step of the way
We recognise the unique qualities of each yoga teacher and practitioner. Understanding and connecting with oneself are essential for effective teaching or sharing from one’s genuine passion. Our aim is to assist you in discovering and embracing your individual style and we provide the necessary tools to do so with proficiency.

Additionally, we extend a warm welcome to those who may not have the intention to teach but are enthusiastic about enriching their yoga knowledge and experience for their personal journey.
The Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training course consists of 12 intensive monthly modules with a focus on the Vinyasa Krama practices of Seasonal Flow Yoga.
The course includes training and practice in Asana, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Philosophy, Chinese Energy Work, Anatomy and Physiology, Kriyas, Chakras and Nadis and other traditional energy practices, encompassing both practical and theoretical aspects.
Named Seasonal Yoga, this 200 hour course guides you in harmonising your practice and energy with the changing seasons, drawing inspiration from the Chinese cyclical understanding of nature. This approach aims to establish balance in various facets of our lives.
Seasonal Yoga integrates insights into the body’s energy lines (meridians), influencing organs, vital energy (chi), mood, and mindset. By aligning your Yoga practice, lifestyle, and breath work, this training helps attune you to the world around you. Students delve into the study of Chinese and Indian elements, understanding their relevance to practice and lifestyle in different seasons and more importantly, integration into our modern society, and the way we live today.
The Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training course meets and exceeds the National Educational Standards of Yoga Alliance at the 200 hour level.
Upon completion of the course you will be eligible to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).

– Course Syllabus –
What specifically will you learn?…
- Asana, including Sanskrit and English names of the postures
- Asana workbook, detailing full practical application of individual postures.
- Energy – an in depth study of how to apply Seasonal Energy into daily Yoga practice.
- Sequence poses, for all of the seasonal energies.
- Meridians (nadis) and pressure points and how to apply them to Yoga postures.
- The chakras.
- Mudras and bandhas
- Qi Gong to increase flexibility and energy awareness.
- Energy anatomy
- Pranayama
- The Self-Enquiry Meditation method of Ramana Maharshi
- Nutrition
- Anatomy and Physiology
History of Yoga - Mind training and emotional self – regulation techniques to create resilience
- Philosophy of Yoga
An introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and The Bhagavad Gita - The Eight Limbs of Yoga
- The different paths and schools of Yoga
- Health and safety issues with students in classes
- Planning a class for all levels of teaching
- Special needs in class, such as pregnancy, arthritis, chair Yoga, etc
- Marketing and creating your Yoga business
On completion, You will be a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher and in addition will have the tools to create other types of Yoga class, such as more basic classes or restorative Yoga, or share what you have absorbed to enhance your own life and of course others.
We can also guarantee it will be a life changing, year at the end of which you will feel healthier, happier, and more in control of your life.

– Who will be teaching the course? –
Your course was created by Julie Hanson, Marit Akintewe, and Sue Woodd, collectively embodying some of the most experienced teachers in the UK.
– Your Local Teachers –
Rachel Williamson and Melissa Campbell are your local teachers in Hertfordshire. They started this Teacher Training course in 2021 and bring a wealth of experience to ensure the students get the best from the course.

Lead teacher Rachel has been practicing yoga since the 1970s and teaching yoga since 2008, having completed various trainings in different styles including Hatha, Dru and Yin.
Assistant teacher Melissa is a Yoga Teacher, Certified Women’s Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner, Culinary Nutrition Educator and currently studying for a diploma in Herbal Medicine.

– Your Commitment –
As well as the weekend modules, you are also asked to attend a regular Seasonal Yoga class during your time with us, these classes can be with a teacher of your choice, (either online or in person)
During your training it is highly recommended to establish a personal practice in your everyday life. A personal practice (sadhana) may take many forms, such as Yoga asana, energy flow work, meditation, pranayama, or simply learning to breathe deeply to bring mindfulness to your busy life. We will support this with a personal evolution assignment each month designed specifically to bring the Yoga theory to life. You will keep track of this development using a personal log book.
– Required reading –
Several books should be read throughout the year, to inspire you and offer deeper insight into the teachings of Yoga. The reading enhances your experience of the course and supports your learning on the course in a symbiotic way.

– Course Resources –

Online Access – We offer all our students an unprecedented library of Online support materials, so that you really can be training with us for a whole year, and not just 12 weekends within that year. – if you miss a session, or have to leave early, or even feel that you did not give a lecture your full attention, you can make up the course at home. Yoga Alliance accredited TEACHER TRAINING offers a full back up of all lectures, classes, posture workshops, and more.

2 Extensive Training Manuals and Seasonal Yoga book

Practice Logbook and Journal – Your own personal journal to log your yoga, Asana practice, your thoughts and feelings throughout the year

Handout Creation – As As part of a learning process, you create handouts to 1st of all help with your understanding, and secondly as a tool to hand out to your students, when you are a fully qualified seasonal yoga teacher

Certificate – you will receive a certificate on sucessful completion of the course – you are a fully qualified seasonal yoga teacher!
– Course Cost –
To secure your place on the course you pay a deposit as follows
Early bird deposit £300 – payment received 3 months or more prior to the start of the course.
Pre-book deposit £350 – payment received 1-3 months prior to the start of the course.
Full deposit £400 – payment received less than 1 month prior to the start of the course.
REMAINDER – The remaining cost of your course can be paid in one of 3 ways:
Method 1 – Make payment in full (Deposit and sum of instalments) and save £200 (TOTAL – deposit plus £2385)
£300 + (11x £235) -£200 = £2685
Method 2 – Pay the Early Bird deposit £300, followed by 11 instalments of £235. Instalments will begin the month after the deposit and continue through the course. Please note the instalments are not modular payments and if a module is missed, the payments must still be made. (TOTAL £2885)
£300 + (11x £235) = £2885
Method 3 – Pay any deposit and then 5 further instalments of £500 over the following 5 months. The first payment of £500 will be due in time for the start of the course. (TOTAL = Deposit plus £2500)
£300 + (5x £500) = £2800
£350 + (5x £500) = £2850
£400 + (5x £500) = £2900
– How to pay –
Upon acceptance on the course, our team shall send you the details on how to pay your deposit.
Course payments should be made by via standing order please, to your local lead teacher.
If you wish to pay by cash or cheque, speak to your local lead teacher.

– Course Directors –

Julie Hanson
Living a Seasonal Life is Julie’s main passion. She teaches seasonal Yoga classes and workshops in the uk and online.. With her co-author Sue Woodd, Julie has published the book “Seasonal Yoga” which gives clear guidelines to living, eating and practicing Yoga and also a second book Deconstructing Yoga with Dr Lon Kilgore. Julie’s early career was rooted in the fitness industry and running SPORT AID World Workout in 85 was one of her personal career highlights. Over the 40+ years she has been in the industry she’s owned five different health clubs / yoga studios. Now her time is split between writing, teaching and Yoga teacher training of course.

Sue Woodd
Sue Woodd has been working in the field of Complementary Health for the past 30 years, founding her own school in 1991. She was a registered Trainer with the Shiatsu Society, is a Senior Instructor with the T’ai Chi Union of Great Britain, and a Level 5 Master Instructor of the International Taiji and Qigong Federation, designing and running her own training courses. Sue is a graduate of the College of Cranial Sacral Therapy, an experienced teacher affiliated with Yoga Alliance and Yoga Professionals, she is an International Master Trainer training instructors and lectures for leading health farms, creating courses for health/fitness companies world-wide.

Marit Akintewe
Marit first practiced Yoga in 2000, in Rishikesh, India, under Swami Vivekananda Saraswati. She then spent several months of each year of the next decade studying with Swami or Sahaja Ananada in an ashram environment, including many months on meditation retreat in the Advaita Vedanta tradition. Since 2010 Marit has been teaching full time, as a director within the Seasonal Yoga School as well as setting up many training courses for teachers in Seasonal Yin, Yoga philosophy, breath practices, and more.

– Testimonials –

“An outstanding course! I’d wholly recommend this course to anyone wanting to teach or just deepen their yoga practice… can only say from personal experience that I will be truly sad when the current course ends, as l’m learning so much.”
A.T. Letchworth

This course has been…” Life-changing… and for someone who is getting on in life, I wish I’d introduced myself to Yoga and experienced the Foundation course and then this SYTT course many years ago! l’m learning so much from Rachel and Melissa, and my fellow students are a joy to spend time with, to learn with and from.”
L.L. Luton

“The course is really well-paced, building on knowledge gradually with plenty of opportunity for discussion and to ask questions. Rachel and Melissa are so welcoming and supportive. They go above and beyond to ensure students are confident and comfortable. l’ve met the most fantastic group of people on the course, it feels like a little yoga family!”
S.K.B – Letchworth

– What should I do now? –
Once you have completed the simple online application form, Seasonal Yoga’s admission department will be in touch very soon to see if you would like to go forward.
If you would like immediate direct contact email –
The next stage will be an informal interview and the completion of a more detailed application form. Upon acceptance and paid deposit, you will have secured your place on the course. Thank you very much for your interest we hope to meet you soon,
Julie, Sue and Marit and the UK wide Seasonal team